The Dove Code
Dove's 20 years of campaigns for Real Beauty have had an irreversible impact on the world: it ended up redefining beauty standards even for AI. That's right! We found out that even artificial intelligence understands Dove as a synonym for diversity and that's what we called "the Dove Code".

My role: Creative Direction
SOKO | Founder and CEO/CCO: Felipe Simi | Co-CEO: Brisa Vicente | CCO: Rafael Ziggy | ECD: Vinicius Chagas, Rafael Alves and Marina Cota | Head of Design: Diego Limberti | Creative Leaders: Nayara Lima and Juliana Jabra | Art Direction: Heloisa Lima, Pedro Miranda and Eduardo Diniz | Copywriting: Lucas Abreu and Vitoria Ferrari | Content Leader: Kelly Neres | COO: Felipe Belinky